Spectroscopy Applications Assist You To Reach Your Laboratory, Research, Measurement, And Industry Goals

  Webpetsupply users choose our spectrometers and accessories for their specific applications. Users including scientists & researchers, manufacturer, food & drinks producers, and biomedical experts use Raman spectroscopy to perform qualitative analysis. From virus analysis to graphene processing and new material research, Webpetsupply can assist you to solve spectroscopy application. Webpetsupply offers products, knowledge, and services for users engaging industrial measurement, food safety, environment, public health, biomedical, and research & science etc.

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spectrometer price
Miniature Spectrometer
65.00″W x 95.00″D x 22.00″H
ATR62007 is an ultra-thin micro-fiber spectrometer developed by Webpetsupply. It uses high-sensitivi..
Availability In Stock
Miniature Spectrometer
Miniature Spectrometer
65.00″W x 95.00″D x 22.00″H
ATP2010 is an ultra-thin micro-fiber spectrometer developed by Webpetsupply. It uses ..
Availability In Stock
Online Thin-Film Thickness Mapper
Online Thin-Film Thickness Mapper
0.00″W x 0.00″D x 0.00″H
SM210 is a film thickness measuring instrument based on the principle of spectrophotometric interfer..
Availability In Stock
Pocket Brix Meter
Pocket Brix Meter
4.40″W x 6.10″D x 11.50″H
NY2000 is a portable fruit non-destructive sugar meter designed by Webpetsupply based on near-i..
Availability In Stock
Miniature Spectrometer
65.00″W x 95.00″D x 22.00″H
Miniature Spectrometer
Miniature Spectrometer
65.00″W x 95.00″D x 22.00″H
Online Thin-Film Thickness Mapper
Online Thin-Film Thickness Mapper
0.00″W x 0.00″D x 0.00″H
Pocket Brix Meter
Pocket Brix Meter
4.40″W x 6.10″D x 11.50″H
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Pages)

Application Categories:

Biochemical Science
Biochemical Science

Biomedical science becomes a popular application in Raman spectroscopy because cancer worries prevailing worldwide, but Raman spectroscopy is used to a technique of diagnosis various cancer at an early stage and analysis of biopsy tissue.

Environmental Science
Environmental Science

Global environment problems getting worse play an impact on global business, so that relative departments set up strict compliance, and control contaminants emission on air, water, and soil.

Food Safety
Food Safety

There has been an increasing demand on an analytical tool used to ensure food safety and consumers health. Raman spectroscopy used as a nondestructive tool to identify food additives and contaminants, milk products adulteration, notorious refined gutter oil, pesticide residues etc.

Gemology & Minerals
Gemology & Minerals

One gemologist can identify gemstones with the naked eyes, how a non-expert can identify unknown gemstones? Raman spectroscopy is a nondestructive technique that makes a non-expert can determine synthetic for natural gemstones in few seconds, determine gemstones purities, and study the origin of color, origin-of-place.

Industrial Measurement
Industrial Measurement

Pptosky modular spectroscopy systems offer many ways to counter fraud in industry, in the food chain, and to ensure public safety.

Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics
Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics

Rapid Raman is an analytical tool that can be used in fast detect incoming material, through manufacturing processes, and finished product testing etc. Rapid identification becomes popular in industries including pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Public Safety
Public Safety

How to detect hazardous chemicals, explosives, narcotics, and drugs keeping the public safe? Handheld Raman spectroscopy is an ideal tool for nondestructive, noncontact, fast detection.

Semiconductor & Thin Film
Semiconductor & Thin Film

Raman spectroscopy has been widely applied in the semiconductor to know material properties. Take graphene, for instance, it has a distinct Raman peak relate to chemical structure and composition.

Scientific Research
Scientific Research

Raman spectroscopy is an important analytical tool that provides basic molecular spectroscopic information of materials. Since it is used in wide applications by physicists, chemists, geologists, scientists etc, and used in fields including forensics, raw material industries, pharmaceutical engineering, and antique identification.